2014年1月25日 星期六

[情報] 一些翻譯遺漏部分的說明(Clarification for some of points might have been lost in translation)

We wanted to clarify some of these points, as it looks like some of them might have been lost in translation. 

• We are not currently working on death knight and monk heroes. We have heard a lot from the community on their desire to see these classes, but right now the focus is on getting the game ready for PC and iPad launch. 

• The first Adventure will not appear during the open beta. We will be releasing it later this year, after PC and iPad have launched. 

• We know the community is interested in Observer mode, but we haven’t been working on the Observer mode actively. 

• We are keeping an eye on feedback regarding the length of the seasons, but we haven’t determined whether or not we will be adjusting the duration yet. 

We appreciate everyone’s excitement about Hearthstone as we conclude our first week in the open beta!

1) 暴雪目前根本沒再開發死騎(Death Knight)和武僧(Monk).

2) 公測不會看到冒險模式(Adventure Mode).
PC和iPad的上市之後, 今年內會發布, 傳統的Coming S∞n.

3) 社群想要的觀戰模式(Observer Mode), 目前不是開發的主要項目.

4) 持續觀察排名模式賽季的時間週期, 但是還沒有決定是否調整.

t120305 :推 01/25 21:11
online135 :之前講得全部嘴砲喔 01/25 21:25
toykilled :所以是26網站唬爛 01/25 21:29
linceass :所以最新訪談都是豪洨XD 01/25 21:30
powordisland:可以請這篇付來源嗎? 官網上有? 01/25 21:30
powordisland:我是只英文的來源 雖然暴雪常常反覆 01/25 21:31
powordisland:但是才隔一天就打臉也打的太快了 xd 01/25 21:31
powordisland:http://goo.gl/vp55HL 剛剛找到來源 看來又被打臉.. 01/25 21:34
powordisland:可是剛剛看玩覺得好怪? 他的訪問是中翻英 01/25 21:37

http://www.liquidhearth.com/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=756 megablue把中文消息翻譯成英文

powordisland:可是官網上的發言人說補的部分 是從哪來的? 01/25 21:37
linceass :說不定被下封口令 只好改口 01/25 21:37

http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/forum/topic/11422722276 某人把它貼到官網論壇 Zeriyah出面解釋

(熱心的美服玩家, 曾與aasubei測試救贖觸發順序, 將中文消息翻譯成英文, 內容如下)
(另外還開發了爐石相關程式, 相當用心)

1. There will be new paid content, but it won't affect game balance. This includes new heroes for each classes (eg, you will be able to switch Grom the Warrior with Varian), new card backs. new game board, etc.
2. We won't consider adding non-WoW elements to HS.
3. We will observe and decide the duration of the open beta.
4. The new adventure mode might appear during open beta, new quests, several game stages and 10 to 20 new cards.
5. We will adjust the duration of monthly ladder according to open beta conditions.
6. More rewards will be added for the ladder, like the new card backs.
7. There will be Achievements!
8. Observer mode will be implemented once the game is stable.
9. 2v2 isn't in development currently because we're focusing on perfecting 1v1.
10. The PC client is already pretty stable and the iPad version will be released soon.
11. All cards are obtainable without paying. This is not going to change.
12. Cards balancing will be less frequent after open beta.
13. We are currently developing death knight and monk but we can't reveal too much.
14. An expansion pack is planned. There will be between 100 and 200 new cards.
15. We will not follow the Magic the gathering way of releasing new cards.
16. There is no plan for a skill points system.
17. Hamilton Chu's favorite class is Warlock.
18. I hope everyone can get legendary!

來源: 官網